Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Decor

This year I am not decorating. I have been so busy lately (JUST took down my Halloween stuff today) and will continue to be busy until December is over. Also, we will be spending the week of Christmas at our cabin this year so we won't even be home to enjoy it. It takes a lot of time to get all that stuff out of the attic and even more time to put it up. So I made the decision to forgo it this year. 

So, here are my decorations for last year! I love Christmas so much and I am so sad that I don't get to enjoy the decor this year, but at least I have pics!!

I love putting the garland and lights up the staircase! So pretty! 

Last year I did something new. I have urns on either side of the door. When we
went to get out tree they had a ton of scraps from the trees and let me have them for
free. I grabbed a ton. I put those down first, then cut some of the holly branches in our 
front yard, some pinecones I picked up on the ground, and some pine tree
 branches. Then I added the large ornaments on top of that. 
I loved how it turned out and it was cheap!

 I used those same scraps and stuck them in my grapevine wreath that I use all year long for different holidays (Easter, Halloween). 

 This is our little tree. It is filled with ornaments that we 
get when we travel. We have been doing this since 2005. 

 And of course our big tree. I love this tree!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you- I didn't do a single bit of decorating this year. Partially because I've been super busy, and partially because I'm still pissed that I'm not preggers yet. Either way, I don't regret my decision at all!
